Where can I talk with other attendees?
Outside of our official Telegram channel where the Flüüfff announcements are posted, there is also a Telegram discussion group where you can chat and socialize online before the convention.
Moar News!
Follow us on Twitter — Furaffinity — Facebook — FurryNetwork and you'll never miss a single bit of info about Flüüfff!
Rules of conduct?
Our policies are available for all to see;
you can see them in the Policies
The official language of the convention is English.
The hotel staff will be happy to help you either in Dutch, French or English.
If you’re not 100% at ease with English, don’t worry. Please call someone from the convention Staff and we’ll find someone to help you in French, Dutch or German!
The hotel staff will be happy to help you either in Dutch, French or English.
If you’re not 100% at ease with English, don’t worry. Please call someone from the convention Staff and we’ll find someone to help you in French, Dutch or German!
Important dates
31st of October to 4th of November 2018 - It’s convention time!
I have several questions!
Take a look in the FAQ section and if you don"t find your answer, drop us a line at contact@fluufff.org — we’ll get back to you.
You can check the Events program.
What is Flüüfff ASBL?
Flüüfff ASBL is a registered Belgian Non Profit Organisation with organisation number 0662.498.716 (see more on the Belgian Crossroads Bank for Enterprises Database).
Flüüfff, asbl
Rue Félicien Rops, 35B, boîte 01
1070, Anderlecht
Rue Félicien Rops, 35B, boîte 01
1070, Anderlecht
The administrators of the NPO are Thierry Dognié, Jan Taverniers, Guillaume Poncin and Benoît Volckaert.
All the revenues made during the event will be entirely used in equipement or services to improve the next edition or given to charity.